nzffdr 2.1.0 (2022-11-08)
Fixes associated with NZFFD search issue and some small tidying.
At the moment users should download the entire NZFFD, and then filter records from there. See note below.
NZFFD search issue
Following reports of issues associated with using search fields in the NZFFD (see comments on page 4 of the help manual
available here:, nzffdr_import() now downloads the entire
NZFFD by default (previously even when no search terms were entered not all results were being downloaded due to changes to the NZFFD portal).
use any of the following to download the entire NZFFD (do not set additional arguments), and then filter in R as needed: nzffdr_import(download_format = "all"), nzffdr_import(download_format = "essential") or nzffdr_razzle_dazzle().
updated functions
- nzddr_import() & nzffdr_razzle_dazzle() now generate a warning regarding the NZFFD issue.
- nzffdr_add_dates() now much faster
- nzffdr_widen_habitat() no longer produces the "In fun_df(xx2, cl) : NAs introduced by coercion" warning by default.
Depreciated functions
- depreciated functions from nzffdr 2.0.0 have been removed (nzffdr_add() & nzffdr_fill())
nzffdr 2.0.0 (2022-01-17)
Major rework of the nzffdr package following an overhall of the the NZFFD website. Some previous functions are now depreciated.
Depreciated functions
- nzffdr_add - no longer relevant following NZFFD updates
- nzffdr_fill - no longer relevant following NZFFD updates
Updated functions
- nzffdr_import - now works with the new NZFFD API
- nzffdr_clean - clean data imported using nzffdr_import
New functions
- nzffdr_add_date - adds, year, month and day columns to NZFFD dataset
- nzffdr_get_table - find all possible argument options for nzffdr_import
- nzffdr_razzle_dazzle - wrapper for other functions, imports, cleans and adds information all in one step
- nzffdr_taxon_threat - adds taxonomic and threat status information to imported NZFFD datasets
nzffdr 1.0.0 (2021-03-09)
Initial CRAN release
Initial development version of the nzffdr package on GitHub